The Life of Riley [Dog]

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I met a VIP this week. That stands for Very Important Papa. Papa Ron that is. Papa Ron is my grandpa. Or at least that's what was explained to me. I don't know, it probably would have made more sense to me if he would have brought treats.

Note to Papa Ron: The next time my mom says don't bother stopping for treats, SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT!!!! DON'T LISTEN TO HER!!! Apparently, my mom thought we had plenty.

Papa Ron came all the way from Door County, just to see me. And, he stayed overnight. And, he petted me lots. And he took me for a walk with mom. And, I gave him a "labby lean." And, I gave him lots of "labby kisses." And, I wagged my tail lots. And, I showed him my one trick of balancing food on my nose, and then catching it.

In case you aren't familiar with a labby lean, if I want you to pet me, I sort of just lean in to you, so you can pet me easier. Just so you know Papa Ron, I only give labby leans to people I like.

Now, about those labby kisses, I'm not so sure Papa Ron really liked ALL the labby kisses I was trying to give him. I was just trying to be friendly.

While we were walking, just Papa Ron, mom and me, Papa Ron mentioned something about Donna. I just don't understand exactly who she is. Papa Ron said she would have fun walking with me. I bet SHE would bring me treats!

And then, in the morning Papa Ron put me in my crate and left. What's up with that??? I've got my Kong tennis ball, I want to play with you. You're going to be bored at your meeting today. It would have been much more fun for you to stay at my house today.

Oh well. I can take a hint. But come again soon Papa Ron. Real soon, OK?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riley, I love Papa Ron, too! He is always ready to pet me, but I don't think he has ever given me any treats, either!

10:33 PM  

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