The Life of Riley [Dog]

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I can leap buildings in a single bound. Especially the buildings that are the same size as an end table. I heard fireworks this afternoon, and mom had the chair right next to the end table. It would have taken too long to go around it, so I just leaped over it. As mom said, luckily her "adult beverage" was in her hand, and not on the end table. Then I went around the couch, and darn near climbed up on the window seat. You see, I would have to have all 4 paws on the window seat to officially climb on it. Since I only had 2 paws on it, well that is practically almost 4 paws on the floor.

Of course, I have to ask...When does the 4th of July actually end?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

I am messing with them again. Remember the no barking rule? Not during fireworks. Yes sir – woof-woof-woof-woof-woof and then “shut up you damn dog someone is trying to sleep.” It’s too bad I can’t hear him. You can’t hear when you’re barking. Anyways why is he complaining? He’s the one always trying to teach me to bark. Well grasshopper – your student was listening and now I am barking!

Sis is nuts! She is going to the Boundary Waters with Whitney. I don’t think she has figured out that the bathrooms are pretty much like mine. Look around, maybe sniff a little, do the deed, kick back the grass with your rear paws, walk away and then let Dad pick up the mess. To be honest I enjoy the whole pooping outside thing – I don’t think little Miss “can’t go out of the house without a full shower and makeup” is going to find being close to nature so much fun. Of course she will be away from Mom and Dad for the week and with that in mind she may put up with inconvenience. In fact I think Sis could live on the moon and survive if it got her away from the parents.

The family went to a shower [not the one hour kind Sis takes] and anniversary party today. Dad said his cat lady cousin laughed when she heard about my blog. Too bad cats are too dumb to write. With that in mind I guess I get the last word – WOOF!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Woofers are here. The Woofers are here.

I thought that would make the day kind of fun. I don't think so anymore. Woofers are loud. I think there will be fireworks later. Don't the woofers know that my 14 YO sis is still trying to sleep? It is 7:14 in the morning. Of course, if she can sleep through a whole woofing project, she can sleep through anything.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I love special days. Special days usually mean special treats for me. I don't mean regular treats. Mom gives me lots of those. This was definitely a special treat day for me.

Mom was cooking today. I think dad was trying to help. Trust me, I'm not sure mom wanted the help. She had everything under a troll. Or is that control? I wasn't listening too much. That's eavesdropping. That is rude. Besides, I had my eye on the floor. This is one of those days that you just don't know what was going to fall. Especially mom's foot. More about that later.

The first thing that went falling...a dallop of Cherry Garcia Ice Cream. Homemade of course. A little bit fell onto the floor when it was being transferred from the ice cream maker into a different container. Yum. For those that don't know, that is a chocolate-cherry mixture. YUM.
That was at lunch time.

At let me try cooked aspargus, that was fresh from the field where it was grown. Mom liked the asparagus better than the steak. OK MOM - get a grip. The asparagus was OK, now let's talk about steak. That is meat. No, not really. Steak is meat with a capital M. Like MEAT. Let's puncuate that a little. Tonight was so special, STEAK !! was served. Except for sis. She had chicken with swiss cheese and some prosciutto in it, First, I got to try the chicken with the ham and cheese. That was OK. Well, it was better than OK. It was better than the asparagus. It was better than my regular dinner. Then mom gave me some of her steak. Oh, I mean STEAK! And some baked potato. YUM!!! Asparagus, what asparagus???

OK, now about mom's foot falling. Luckily it was falling gently. All of a sudden, mom turned around, and there was a foot on my tail. Not just a little bit of my tail...the whole tail. She thought a towel had fallen, so luckily she didn't put her whole foot down hard. THAT'S MY TALE and I am sticking to it!

So - what's up with this Father's Day thing? Am I a dad? I know I have a dad, but that is because I am adopted. I must have a regular 4-legged dad somewhere.

Happy Father's Day Dad! - to BOTH of my dads!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I have got a confession. The not barking thing is a highly developed strategy to help me convince mom I am not a dog. I need to do that so I can walk all over her and get spoiled rotten. For the most part it works. She refers to me as “her boy”. She never uses the “dog” word. I had a close call a couple of weeks ago when she kept telling me I smelled like a “dog”. I was getting worried. But she solved the problem with a “dog” bath. Of course she paid someone [who most likely can afford a big screen TV] to “groom” me. Funny – dad said it was a “dog” bath; mom said I got groomed. Kind of like a boy would get. Anyways after the grooming I didn’t smell like a “dog”. I was back to being “her boy”. Now dad is another story. He is working real hard to turn me into a “dog”. If only he knew how silly he looked when we gives me “barking” lessons. I know what he is up to when he encourages me to jump in big rain puddles – like he did after the big rains on Sunday. Of course I enjoy doing that. He just hasn’t figured out that if I start to smell like a “dog”, mom will pay the nice lady [who was a big screen TV] to “groom” me. In fact yesterday I tried to take matters into my own hands. Tuesday is “grooming” day at daycare and I tried to sneak into the grooming area. Almost accomplished my mission; got caught at the last minute and did not get “groomed”. It was a good move; mom thought it was funny and completely forgot I smelled like a “dog”. In fact I think I got extra hugs and snacks for that story. Of course with mom all I have to do is give her that special “sad eye look” and I get whatever I want. Mom – do we really need dad around the house?

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I got my reward today.

Bad weather with lots of rain brings lots of puddles. Or maybe small lakes.

Did you know us labbies like the water? I was in water today that was higher than my belly. I was totally a wet dog. I was pretty darn happy. The water walk was really fun. Besides, mom made the daycare people give me a bath last Tuesday, so now I'll start to smell like a dog again.

I wanted to play with the ducks that were out. They like the water too. I don't know why, but when I got to their little lake, they flew away. STUCK UPS!

Mom had to dry me off when I got home this morning. There wasn't 1 part of me that wasn't soaking wet, so it was a 2-towel morning. YAHOO. Some people pay good money for this type of massage service. Mom does it for free, because she loves me!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

I was very vocal today.

Bad storms, tornadoes, lots of thunder, lots of rain.

It was a 3-woof storm over 2 hours.

And the first woof was just your normal sized WOOF.

The second woof was also your normal sized WOOF. I only woofed. Sis JUMPED.

Then, just right now, there was a loud crack of thunder. This warranted a:


Now, I am having neighbor problems. I am off of Patty's good list. I saw her the other morning. She had snacks for birds. None for Riley. Patty didn't want to share the worms with me that she got for the bird feeder. She said dogs do not like worms. I say don't put words in my mouth. I would much rather have worms. Even if I would just spit them out.