The Life of Riley [Dog]

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Let me describe myself in a few carefully chosen words. I am spoiled rotten!! . . . And I love it!I usually start my day at 4:45am by waking up my Dad and demanding that he get his butt out of the nice warm bed and get me outside to do my stuff. It’s amazing how they jump when there is any chance of an inside mess. Anyways he takes me outside and I make sure I take in all the sniffing time I need. Dad can wait! Then we go for a quick walk around the block. They make me wear this obnoxious red/white/blue pet blinker. You would think I am on the set of Cops. My owners are such geeks. Next it’s going to be a Pet I-Pod. Is there such a thing? Anyways after my walk I get to eat. Something weird happened on that front this week. I usually get dry food with a couple of spoons of canned dog food. Are you sitting down? They cut out the canned dog food. I gave them the doggie evil eye – it didn’t help. They say I am getting too fat. However, we were at dog class with Beth and they asked her if that was OK that they cut back my food. I sucked in my gut; Beth looked at me and said I could have canned a couple of times a week. I think have Beth wrapped around my paws – she was giving me lots of treats that night and all I had to do was look cute to get them. I have that effect on lots of humans! Anyways back to my normal day. After I eat my breakfast I go upstairs and Mom lets me sleep on the bed. Yes on the bed! That nice soft thing that Dad said I would never be allowed on. You saw the pictures from when he was out of town; now I just do it. He gives me a hard time about being on the bed; I just give a Labbie yawn and ignore him. Mom will back me up!The rest of my day is pretty unexciting. The best thing is that I get a Kong with all kinds of treats inside. It keeps me busy all day.In the evening I get to go outside, eat and go for a walk. Then I go to bed and I get to sleep on my Sister’s bed. That was another thing my Dad would never happen. Let me say it again; I am spoiled rotten!


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