The Life of Riley [Dog]

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ok, it's been a while since I posted.

This is the update.

I almost went home with the guy from the well company. Apparently, we live in the country. We have wells. That is where my water comes from. The well. The well was causing some problems. My dad thought it was the pump. That's why the well guys were here. One of them was really nice. He was giving me lots of attention. As you may know, I'm a sucker for attention. I would've gone home with him, but my dad said no. He said mom might miss me a lot. Oh yeah, forgot about her for a couple of hours.

Sorry mom, I won't talk to strangers any more. And sorry mom, I don't understand either why something 281 feet below the surface was such a $$big$$ deal either. Of course, had the pump failed when grandpa and grandma were over, there would have been fireworks. That would have been fun! Just kidding mom - REALLY - I am just kidding! Mom does want me to ask the well guys for the "cute doggie" discount. They have those - right?

Of course, that is not the really big news this week. Yep, WOOF # 7 occurred. Right about 11:30 last night. Dad was sleeping. Mom was sleeping. Sis was sleeping. I was sleeping. The window was open, because it was nice outside. There were some teenaged girls out walking last night. They weren't sleeping. They were actually quite loud and gigly. I sure gave them a "woof" of my mind.

Mom took me to the vet again. Second time in two weeks. That's OK though. Everyone is so nice there. They really like me. And even if I am not feeling tip-top, I am still wagging my tail. Kind of the same problem, they just moved the diagnosis to the large intestines instead. NOPE, I AM NOT TAKING MEDICINE FOR THIS. But my mom gave me a nice cheese ball when we got home. Actually it was 2 cheese balls. Probably because I was such a cool dog at the vet.

I need to go. It's a really nice day today, and I haven't even been on 1 single little walk outside yet. Have to go bother my mom and dad about this. Can't bother sis though. She ran away from home. Took her sleeping bag and everything.

Later dudes!


Blogger Jasmine said...

Riley, you've been busy, what with schmozzing with all the well guys, and the people at the vet. You must need a nap, now!

10:22 AM  

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