The Life of Riley [Dog]

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I went to the vet today.

It was mostly fun, except when they took my temperature. If anyone from a medical supply company wants to invent something - I have an idea. Just invent a doggy tympanic thermometer. They are the ear thermometers. My sis gets to have her temperature taken with one.

But anyways, back to the vet. My mom and dad thought I was drooling excessively for the last couple of days. Today, I was hardly drooling at all. But they took me anyway. No biggy (except for the thermometer thing).

I did get a little bad news though. When I did my first vet visit with Dr. Beachum, he said I needed to gain about enough wait to get up to 65 pounds. Now, I am 65.8 pounds. Darn it all, I am at my perfect weight. Hopefully, they won't stop giving me treats, and all the food that I am used to getting.

Oh and if you are concerned about my health, don't be. Apparently whatever is bothering my is working its way out of my system, that's why I was drooling less today than yesterday or the day before.

I met a new dog today at the vet. She was a 1 yr old chocolate lab. She was, well, um, she probably needed a little more exercise than she is currently getting. Her name was Mocha. Mocha's mom was talking to the vet tech about possibly adopting one of the vet tech's puppies. That way Mocha would have a brother or sister. I wouldn't advise it though. Note to Mocha's mom: In case you missed it, a 100 pound dog jumped on your back while you were paying the bill. YOU SHOULDN'T GET ANOTHER DOG UNTIL YOU'VE GOT CONTROL OF THE FIRST ONE.


Blogger Ollie said...

YEAH Riley for gaining weight!!!

Drooling is usually a sign of stress....did your parents change something in the house, say put up a tree???? Say go out of town for the weekend??? You can always call my mommie...she will help you.

Stop in sometime and visit me, kay? kay.

4:05 PM  

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